Smart XG, last-mile and edge solutions for remote farming, forestry and rural areas
Missing access to fast broadband still presents a development challenge to many rural and remote areas. Frequently, the investments costs appear to be too high in comparison to the
final number of end users in certain regions. Sometimes only investing in the “last-mile” presents a bottleneck to the connectivity. End-user needs vary not only between communities,
but also between individual businesses and households, making it more challenging to find a common solution.
– Assessing the socio-economic and environmental effects of innovative and existing 5G/4G/3G provision options (at regional-, community-, and farm-level) and making them feasible for non-scientists).
– Developing innovative cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions to 5G-and last-mile provision in remote areas tailored to the needs of ommunities, farms and forestry.
– Assessing the socio-economic and environmental effects of innovative and existing edge technology options (at regional-, community-, and farm-level) and making them feasible for non-scientists.
– Developing innovative cost-effective and environmental friendly edge solutions tailored to the needs of communities, farms and forestry, including an energy balance at systemlevel.
– Developing innovative business models (including at systemic level and cross-sectoral approaches).
– Reduce digital divides between different types of farms, sectors and regions.
– Contribute to increase the competitiveness and social and environmental sustainability of the agricultural and forestry sectors and rural areas through innovative 5G, last-mile and edge solutions.
– Facilitate decision-making, in particular for municipalities, farmers, foresters and their associations
– Increase energy efficiency through analysing and developing connectivity options